MMD Covid-19 Update

MMD Covid-19 Update

We know for all of us that this is a period of unparalleled challenges and great unknowns, and our thoughts are with everyone not just those in the hospitality industry who are feeling this most keenly at this moment.

Our customers and producers are key to MMD and we wanted to keep you updated on how things stand within the business during this ever changing situation, and to reassure you we are working hard to keep it business as usual at MMD for as long as we can.

Our office remains open for the time being and deliveries are happening as normal. We are busily putting measures in place to continue the high level of customer service we pride ourselves on in the likely event that we need to work remotely.

As you will know, many producers across Europe have taken the correct decision to close wineries on a temporary basis but we remain well positioned to provide continuity of supply with our great portfolio of wines on a UK basis.

For the immediate future, our programme of tastings and events will be cancelled but we will be looking to reschedule these when the situation allows. We also continue  to look and plan ahead for some exciting new releases later this year while our social media channels will be busier than ever with updates and news from the MMD Team.

In challenging times we feel it is ever more important to keep communications open and work together. You can contact your Sales Manager through the usual channels, visit our website ( and contact any of the team using their contact details on the website.

We are monitoring this situation closely and will take any steps we feel necessary and will keep you updated on developments here at MMD.

In the meantime, we hope that you are all well and that you all stay safe.

Richard Billett, Managing Director

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